
What is Osteopathy ?
Osteopathy is a manual medicine based on a thorough knowledge of anatomy, palpation and diagnostics. The body’s musculoskeletal system is used to diagnose the patient’s symptoms and manual treatment through all the tissues in the body is applied to reach the cause of the problem rather than the symptom.
How this works in a clinical aspect is through the understanding of the osteopathic basic principles where the body is a unit, the body’s self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms and the relationship between structure and function.
History of Osteopathy
Osteopathy developed by Andrew Taylor Still in the late 19th century.
A.T. Still, an American M.D. working in the civil war, was a man of medicine and curiosity. His innovative research on the anatomical relationships between the systems in the body is of fundamental importance to all manual medicine today. A.T. Still found that the loss of joint mobility between bones affected the health.
A loss of mobility had a direct effect on the circulation and there by also the quality of the tissues affected. After years of research he started the first osteopathic school in 1892 in Kirksville, Missouri and to this day, his work is still growing across the world.

Osteopathy regulation
and accreditaTion
Osteopathy is regulated in most EU countries, but not yet in Sweden. In the absence of a higher authority regulating our profession, we have joined forces with IOB, a French institute of higher education in osteopathy. IOB is accredited by the French Ministry of Health and complies in all respects with the standards of osteopathic education in France and therefore in Europe.
IOB is our accreditation institute through Ministry of Health in France, and is certifying the quality of the program and assigns the students with the title D.O.
We thus guarantee an excellent teaching to our students and a controlled quality for our program.